“Never underestimate the power of the Spirit of God working in you, through you, and despite you”
– Archbishop Nelson Pérez
More ways to get involved coming soon!
Christ in the City
Christ in the City is a Catholic non-profit dedicated both to forming young adults, volunteers, and the greater community to be lifelong missionaries and to knowing, loving, and serving the poor. Missionaries give a year or two of their lives to this mission of serving the poor by walking the streets of Center City and building relationships with the homeless on the streets. If you are interested in joining for a Wednesday or Second Saturday Lunch in the Park or want to get involved, email volunteerphilly@christinthecity.org.
Program Director: Colleen McDonough, colleen@christinthecity.org
Get involved: https://christinthecity.org/get-involved/
Email: volunteerphilly@christinthecity.org
Jesus Run – Encountering Jesus in the Homeless with local Seminarians
Meet up with seminarians and lay volunteers in the parking lot of St. Peter and Paul on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month to distribute meals to our homeless brothers and sisters in Center City! Walk in small groups to areas near City Hall to talk with and distribute meals to our homeless brothers and sisters.
Date: 2nd and 4th Fridays of the Month @ 8PM
Location: Parking lot of Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral Basilica, Philadelphia
Contact John to join the Jesus Run: 267-421-4314
Contact Carol to support in making Sandwiches to be shared with our homeless brothers and sisters: 484-832-2108
Old St. Joseph’s Young Adult Community Service Nights
Join the Old Saint Joseph’s Young Adult Community in serving those in need of a warm meal at Bethesda Project’s residences.
Date: Every Tuesday at 7:00 PM
Location: Bethesda Project’s Residences, Philadelphia
Contact: critellid@gmail.com or osjyac@gmail.com to learn more
Padre Pio Prayer Center
Contact: padrepioprayercenter@gmail.com, (215) 288-3081
Website: https://www.piocenter.org/pppc-mission
Our mission is to rebuild the local Church by witnessing to the Gospel in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi. We serve Christ in mass and adoration, by building relationships with our community, and by seeking the face of Christ in the men and women we encounter on the streets. We seek to form disciples for their journey of faith through worship, relationships, and inviting others to serve with us.
Monday: Cleaning Ministry where we clean the Padre Pio Prayer Center
Wednesday: Kensington outreach where we pray and feed those living on the streets; Narcotics Anonymous meets in the church basement at 7pm.
Thursday: Food Distribution starting at 11am; Home Visits where we visit the homebound and bring them Communion
Friday: Kensington outreach where we pray and feed those living on the streets
Monday-Friday: The Cenacle at Padre Pio Prayer Center: https://www.cenaclephilly.org/
Sarnelli House
Volunteer to serve meals Monday through Friday. Please reach out to Kim Collins to let her know that you are coming to serve with her ministry!
Meal Times to come serve those experiencing homelessness and hungry in Kensington:
Monday: 10am-11am
Tuesday: 5:00-6:30pm
Wednesday: 12:30-1:30pm
Rosary at 2pm
Thursday: 5:00-6:30pm
Friday: 10am-11am
Tel: (267) 710-1226; Email: kcollins@bscphilly.org
Website: https://www.bscphilly.org/
Location: 2739 Kensington AvePhiladelphia, PA 19134
Young Catholic Professionals (YCP) Service Saturdays
In addition to the regularly scheduled programming for the Young Catholic Professionals (YCP) Philadelphia chapter that coordiantes events throughout the entire Archdiocese of Philadelphia, YCP takes part in service projects at various different not-for-profit organizations that are serving our local community. These service opportunities occur on a monthly or bi-monthly basis. Learn about and register for upcoming Service Saturday event with YCP here.
Questions? Contact: andrea.mueller@ycpphiladelphia.org